OpenSite Designer CONNECT Edition

Place Item Types On Curves

To create Item type Structure property type.

  1. Create a new property type for Curve Data.

    Creating New Item Types-Curve Data Item Type

  2. Add property definitions like Sweep angle, type, and so on.

    Adding or Editing Item Types Properties

  3. Fill out the property definition and calculated property.
  4. Create expressions using the expression builder or copy the ECExpression as needed.

    Copying ECExpression

  5. Save the properties which were added.
  6. Create a new Item type to use the structure created.
  7. Create a new property definition and make the Property type as the property definition created in Step 2 and make it an array.

    Item Type Properties

Note: Click here to know details of how to Copy an ECExpressions.

To place Item Type on Alignment.

  1. Attach the item type to alignment.

    Attach Item Type To Element

  2. Dimension the item type array to the number of elements in the alignment. If there are nine arcs and spirals there will be nine array entries.


    Note: Array entries will support only Arc, Spirals, and Clothoid not Lines.
  3. Create Report and create columns. It will pull the ECExpression for all the entries.

    Creating Reports

  4. Create and place the Curve data table. The data will be displayed in the tables.

    Placing a Table

    Example of Curve Data Table